Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year

Well a New Year is here!!!! 2009 seems weird to type that. I will admit I did not welcome it in at midnight, I was ummm sleeping. I am past the age of wanting to ring into the new year with bells and whistles and alcohol and such. A good new years eve finds me sleeping when it happens. (Can you say DUD) ? Ah well, I happen to welcome the fact that I am a dud in many ways.

Well 2008 was exciting. I was excited about the election. I was excited to witness it. I am very interested to see what Barack Obama can do with this country. I am hopeful but I am also nervous about all the things we expect of this gentleman. The country is in trouble. Not all that was exciting about 2008 was good excitement. The country hit some real potholes in life and now we have to play road repair crew, with limited funds and some people who are anxious to just see President-elect Barack Obama fail.

As years go it was pretty lousy on a number of levels. So be gone 2008 we will never see you again. Welcome 2009. Bring us good things this year. It is a year of babies to be born, there are three in the works that I am awaiting. I suppose that means there is knitting to be done. However I also think that I have projects that need to be finished.

SO I cannot cast on another project until I complete two of the UFO's in my bag of tricks. I did finish one that I am not counting. I have to finish the Rosalie Scarf, its well on its way and I have to finish a pair of socks. Then I have to reach into the yarn bag and prioritize the other works. May this year bring better things and healthy babies.

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